NKVTS and six international partners in Europe, the Middle East and Canada have received a grant for a three-year study (2019–2022) on “Violence against women migrants and refugees: analysing causes and effective policy response.” The project is funded by GENDER-NET Plus ERA-NET Cofund and the consortium is coordinated by Professor Jane Freedman at the Centre de recherches sociologiques et politiques de Paris. Research Professor Margunn Bjørnholt from NKVTS is principal investigator for the Norwegian part of the project.
Category Archives: Blog
Book: Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (Routledge, 2020)
Lucas Gottzén, Margunn Bjørnholt and Floretta Boonzaier, (eds., 2021): Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence. London/New York: Routledge. Although men’s violence against women has for a long time been recognized as a gendered issue, and a number of masculinity scholars have made important connections between theorising on men and masculinities and its relationship to violence, …
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Ny bok: Vold i nære relasjoner
Kristin Skjørten, Elisiv Bakketeig, Margunn Bjørnholt & Svein Mossige (red.) (2019): Vold i nære relasjoner: Forståelser, konsekvenser og tiltak. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Les boken her (open access). Denne boken presenterer ny kunnskap om vold i nære relasjoner, og belyser blant annet spørsmål som: Er vold i nære relasjoner fortsatt et likestillingsproblem? Hva er seksuell vold i …
NKVTS-rapport: Vold i parforhold – kjønn, likestilling og makt
Opplever kvinner og menn like mye vold i parforholdet? Er vold i parforholdet et uttrykk for manglende likestilling? Og hva er sammenhengen mellom vold i parforholdet og maktfordelingen mellom kjønnene i samfunnet for øvrig? På oppdrag fra Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet har NKVTS undersøkt hva kjønn og likestilling betyr for vold i parforhold. Studien «Vold i …
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Article in the Nordic Journal of Criminology: The social dynamics of revictimization and intimate partner violence: an embodied, gendered, institutional and life course perspective
Abstract This article offers a qualitative, institutional analysis of the dynamics of revictimization as the accumulation of disadvantages over time and across different institutional contexts, and its multiple gender dimensions. It draws on 37 qualitative interviews with victims of intimate partner violence, detailing the institutional causal pathways to victimization and revictimization over the life course, …
Article in the Journal of Gender-Based Violence: Measuring violence, mainstreaming gender: does adding harm make a difference?
Keywords: Gender; mainstreaming; quantitative methods; survey; violence This article contributes to the methodological debate on how to define and measure violence in order to more effectively capture gendered patterns of exposure to violence in survey studies. The authors take as their starting point Walby and Towers’ proposals to mainstream gender in surveys, and to define …
Article in the Journal of European Social Policy: Same but different: Polish and Norwegian parents’ work–family adaptations in Norway
This article explores how families with young children arrive at and live with different work–family adaptations within a welfare state that strongly supports the dual earner/dual carer model—that of Norway. It draws on a qualitative study among Norwegian-born and Polish-born parents, representing respectively ‘insider’ and ‘outsider’ views on this model. The analysis aims at capturing …
Preventing violence against women in the Nordic countries: Gender-blind or gender-based prevention?
The slides for my plenary address “Gender-blind or gender-based prevention?” at the Nordic conference “Preventing violence against women in the Nordic countries” on 8 March 2018 can be downloaded here. The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and the Ministry of Children and Equality and marked the conclusion of the …
Book chapter: How to make what really matters count in economic decision-making?
Bjørnholt offers a reflection on 25 years of feminist economics providing illustrative examples of how feminist academic critique, within and outside of academia, in combination with civil engagement has evolved, promoting change towards better economics, better policies and well-being for all. Mirroring the widening scope over time of feminist economics, Bjørnholt discusses the exclusion of …
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Article in Central and Eastern European Migration Review: The Role of Family Policy Regimes in Work–Family Adaptations: Polish Parents in Norway and Poland
The aim of this article is to examine how family policies contribute to changes in family practices and towards gender equality in families. Empirically we draw on interviews with two groups of Polish-born parents: Polish parents who have migrated to Norway and Polish parents living in Poland. Norway and Poland are relevant cases for our …