The research programme Violence in close relationships at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies has invited Martha Albertson Fineman, Robert W. Woodruff Professor of Law at Emory University, to speak on her theory of vulnerability in relation to research on violence in close relationships and sexual abuse. Read more here.
Category Archives: Blog
Balancing acts: Policy frameworks and family care strategies in Norway
What is the practical and emotional reality of combining paid work and care in a highly developed universal welfare state with high levels of employment of women and strong institutional and ideological support for the dual earner–dual carer model? In this chapter we explore this question using Norway as a case, and drawing on qualitative …
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Intimate partner violence – gender, equality and power
In January 2016 I join the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (NKVTS) as a research professor, to head a 3-year research project on intimate partner violence, with particular emphasis on gender, gender equality and power relations. The project is funded by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
Modern Men: A Norwegian 30-Year Longitudinal Study of Intergenerational Transmission and Social Change
This work addresses men, intergenerational transmission and social change, within the context of the change in the theorising and politicising of gender relations in the Nordic countries from the 1950s onwards.
Counting on Marilyn Waring: new advances in feminist economics
This edited volume maps new advances in theories and practices in feminist economics and the valuation of women, care and nature since Marilyn Waring’s groundbreaking critique of the system of national accounts, If Women Counted (1988).
Retfærd special issue on Martha Fineman
I am guest editor of an issue of the journal Retfærd titled Vulnerability as a basis for justice and equality in the Nordic countries, exploring the relevance and possible uses of the legal theorist Martha Albertson Fineman’s vulnerability approach in a Nordic context.
Study of work–life balance among Polish and Polish–Norwegian couples
Policy and Social Research and two partners, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA) and the Department of Occupational Psychology, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Poland, have received a grant from the Polish-Norwegian Research Programme for a study of work–life balance among Polish and Polish-Norwegian couples. The study will be carried out 2013–2016. Read more here.
Side event on the financial crisis, the economic crisis and women CSW 58
I am currently organising, together with Joanna Manganara, the IAW president, a side event on the financial crisis, the economic crisis and women that the International Alliance of Women will host in New York on occasion of the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 10–21 April 2014. I will …
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Changing men, changing times: Fathers and sons from an experimental gender equality study
Margunn Bjørnholt (2014). Changing men, changing times—fathers and sons from an experimental gender equality study. The Sociological Review
‘Am I rambling?’ On the advantages of interviewing couples together
This article addresses a methodological controversy regarding the question of whether couples should ideally be interviewed together or apart. It draws on three different studies in which joint couple interviews were used either as the sole source of data or in combination with individual interviews. The authors focus on the specifics and strengths of joint …
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